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Environmental products
Diaspora și APL pot obține granturi pentru dezvoltarea locală. Protecția mediului, printre domeniile eligibile
STUDIU/ Londra, cel mai poluat oraș cu microplastic
INFOGRAFIC/ Câți locuitori ai Chișinăului sortează deșeurile
Why Choose Us?
Environmental protection is currently the main issue of the world – restoring the natural balance, promoting a development based on sustainable development, preservation and care for natural and cultural heritage that we have and creating a pro-ecology attitude in Moldovan society are major concerns of the Ecological Movement of Moldova.
EMM has the mission to contribute to the creation of an ecological vision and consciousness of the citizens, greening of the society and changing collective mentalities for the benefit of the environment through environmental education, training and sustainable development.
- Professionalism and responsibility in addressing issues – EMM is a source of reliable information regarding the environment, sustainable development and preservation of natural and cultural heritage;
- Responsibility for the environment by giving a commitment to channel the energies, policies and practices of the organization to harmonize the interests of sustainable development of society and preserving the integrity and sustainability of ecosystems. EMM is a platform to lobby for the Europeanization of the Republic of Moldova and the implementation of the EU Directives on environmental and sustainable development at state and academic institutions, NGOs;
- Consistency in action, compliance of declarations with actions, transposition in the organization’s activity of the sustainable development values;
The Ecological Movement of Moldova (EMM) is a voluntary and non-governmental environmental organization committed to restoring the natural balance of the environment in Moldova through sustainable development, conservation of natural resources and preservation of important ecological sites and monuments. EMM was founded on 15th of November 1990, being officially registered in July 1991, re-registered on 16th of February 1998 (Registration Number 0321). EMM is a nationwide organization having 10 territorial branches, 15 affiliations with highly qualified specialists in various fields.
In order to achieve its mission, EMM focuses its activity on the implementation of projects in the following fields and directions: Awareness raising, environmental education, information and training; Attitudes and media campaigns; Sustainable development of the natural and cultural heritage, ecotourism and sustainable tourism, ecological agriculture; Partnership with Public authorities and representatives of the civil society; Access to information and public participation; Environmental law and access to justice.
There is no scale governmental action where the EMM is not involved as an organizer or as an active participant – EMM is an organization without which cannot be written any tabs of ecological awakening in the country.
EMM is one of the initiators and founders of the “Alliance for Clean Prut”, including NGOs working in the Prut river basin. EMM is the initiator of launching of the “National Geographic” magazine in Moldova. As international recognition of the merits of the Ecological Movement of Moldova to raise society’s awareness on environmental issues is the admitting of our organization in the IUCN – the International Union for Conservation of Nature. EMM is the national representative of the “Naturopa” Centre of Council of Europe and of the UNUNEP National Office. EMM is the National Focal Point of the Danube Environmental Forum.
EMM is member of the: GEF ONG Network, Danube Competence Centre, National Platform of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, National Council for Participation within the Prime-Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Advisory boards within the Ministry of Environment, Supervisory Board of the Millennium Challenge Corporation, Sector Coordination Council “Environment, water and sanitation”, Commission drafting of the management of water resources and flood protection within the Ministry of Economy, NGO Consultative Council within the Ministry of Environment, Coordination Council of the project “Institutional capacity building and representative system of protected areas in the Republic of Moldova”, National Steering Committee of the project “Biodiversity Planning nationwide in support of the implementation of the CBDStrategic Plan2011-2020in Moldova”.
Our actions:
EMM has successfully implemented, during the last years, several projects focused on environment education and awareness of local communities in protected areas of the Black Sea Basin. The main projects implemented along the years are:
• Global Environmental Facility/World Bank project – Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Stockpiles Management and Destruction Project, 2007-2010.
• Participation in the creation of a Wetland Protected Area in the Lapusnita River Basin, during the “Agricultural Pollution Control Project”, Public Awareness Component, 2005-2008.
• The Public Awareness Program of the Agricultural Project Control Pollution (APCP), implemented with the support of the World Bank/GEF, September 2004 – December 2009;
• Elaboration of the photo album “Moldova – European Space”, Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, December 2006 – October 2007;
• The Prut Basin Wide Approach for Nutrient Reduction and Cross Border Co-operation (PBWA), REC Budapest, Country: Romania and Republic of Moldova, October 2004-May 2006;
• Public Participation in the Sustainable Community Development, – public attraction and involving in the liquidation of polluting sources of the landscape reservation “Saharna”, Saharna river cleaning from the spring till the flowing into the Nistru River. This project was implemented together with local population and local public authorities. Project financed by World Bank in the Program of Innovative Projects.
• GEF project “Grant for the elaboration of the project Sustainable Management of Stocks of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) – Social evaluation, 2005
• “Pearls of Moldova” – EMM organized 10 eco-tourist mobile expeditions in the Prut River basin and in the Nistru River Basin. The main goal of these expeditions was evaluating the state of natural and historic-cultural patrimony, which has eco-tourist potential, and public awareness about rural tourism developing. First expedition was supported by UNDP Moldova, other 4 by REC Moldova, implementation period 1999 – 2009.
• “Saharna” pearl of the Nistru landscape – main activities: arranging the landscape reserve “Saharna” according to the Law about protected areas from the Republic of Moldova and in concordance with the sustainable tourism standards; increasing public awareness in the region about the value of this tourist object. There were installed informational panels with the map of the reserve, Visitor’s rules in 3 languages; was built a public WC and cleaned the Saharna river. This project was supported by UNDP Moldova and was implemented in 2003.
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