DCFTAs’ enshrined Geographic Indications/GIs for non-wine food products: A boost for partnerships’ based rural development in EaP

The aim of this project is to contribute to the effective and praxis oriented simplification of the food GIs registration process in AAs countries (MD/GEO/UKR) in order to make them more accessible for the grass-root, self-organizations of the local/regional food producers and hence: rendering to the rural communities of the 3 AAs EaP a tangible benefit of the EU approximation.

The project has a set of objectives in order to accomplish the main goal:

1. Streamline and simplify the GI food non wine registration procedures & formulas in 3 AAs countries: Identify the existing regulatory & institutional bottlenecks in food, non-wine GI in-country registration process in 3 AAs countries and put forward the tangible and praxis recommendations & remedies, including drawing on the peer partners experience;

2. Develop the optimal, flexible, non-institutional model of facilitation & follow-up support for the potential grass-root GI applicants & the registered GIs by the NGOs and CSOs;

3. Identify feasible formulas to simplify SPS/food safety requirements for GIs products in line with AAs countries (GEO/mountain products) and the EU lessons learned

4. Identify and mainstream the models and best practices of state/ external donors/ regional & LAs support for the registered GIs promotion/marketing & further community benefits reaping (boosting the spill-over of the GI for the community);

The partners who will work together with the Ecological Movement from Moldova are Biological Farming Association Elkana și Kakheti Regional Development Foundation (Georgia), International Charitable Organisation “Information Center “Green Dossier” (Ucraina) and Armenian Women for Health and Healthy Environment (Armenia).

The project will last 3 months (July-October 2016), and it will be implemented across the EaP countries which signed the AA: Moldova, Ucraina and Georgia.

The „DCFTAs’ enshrined Geographic Indications/GIs for non-wine food products: A boost for partnerships’ based rural development in EaP” project is financed by the Euopean Union through the Civil Society Forum within the Eastern Partnership in partnership with the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).


Brochure – Geographic Indication System in Eastearn Partnership countries: current State of Affairs

Agro TV reportage: Geographical Indications Products

     Thematic pages in NATURA magazine:

NATURA – Geographic Indications, Special Edition, section 1

NATURA – G eographic Indications, Special Edition, section 2

NATURA – Geographic Indications, Special Edition, section 3

NATURA – Geographic Indications, Special Edition, section 4