COMPETITIVE AGRICULTURE PROJECT IN MOLDOVA /Building capacities regarding sustainable land management practices

The project purpose:

The “Moldova AGRICULTURAL COMPETITIVENESS PROJECT” aims to strengtheen the competitiveness of the country’s agri-food sector by supporting the modernization of food safety management system; facilitating market access for farmers, and integrating the agro-environmental practices and sustainable land management.

The 3rd segment of the project – “Increasing land productivity through sustainable land management” – aims to increase land productivity by mainstreaming sustainable land management and the good agricultural and environmental practices.

This segment is divided into three sub-components:

(3.1) strengthening human resources, institutional and technical capacity in order to implement sustainable land management activities both locally as well as nationally;

(3.2) financial incentives and subsidies to farmers to adopt the techniques for the sustainable land management, the good agricultural and environmental practices;

(3.3) investment support for the rehabilitation of anti-erosion protection strips in order to maintain and enhance the productivity of the agricultural land.

The EMM is contracted as a consultant for the 3.1: “Strengthening human resources, institutional and technical capacity for the implementation of Sustainable Land Management activities at national and local level” – awareness and informing the public on sustainable land management .

Contract nr. MACP / CS / CQ-3.2 (Grant No.TF-012 145) between the EMM and the Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Moldova.

2) The purpose of the media-campaign regarding information  and raising awareness:

The purpose of the EMM is to develop the concept and to implement a strategic media campaign outreach /public awareness at national level, which will inform, educate and motivate people to support the project interventions using mass media (press print, radio, social media) and other informational and educational materials, and through information during sessions/workshops. This campaign should be a focus on highlighting the importance of Sustanaible Land Management in increasing productivity and competitiveness in agriculture and improving the quality of live, and also in improving the skills of stakeholders to implement sustainable development experiences .

The campaign will be conducted in accordance with the principles of sustainable development, and will focus on awareness of the need to integrate Sustainable Land Management practices in the activity of the interested groups.

Target groups:

The campaign involved and was focused on the following target groups – key players in the agricultural sector and adjacent sectors:

Individual farmers and cooperatives;

Farmers associations, NGOs;

Agri-business representatives , National Farmers Federation of Moldova;

Joint stock companies managed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry ;


Topic page ”Natura” Magazine – Sustainable land management

Thematic calendar – Competitive agriculture project

Special edition “NATURA” Magazine – September 2014

Special edition “NATURA” Magazine – June 2014

POSTER – Sustainable land management

BANNER – Sustainable land management 1

BANNER – Sustainable land management 2

Questionnaire – “Evaluation of public interest concerning sustainable management practices”

Electronic newsletter nr.1 (August 2014)

Electronic newsletter nr 2 (October 2014)

Electronic newsletter nr 3 (January 2015)

“Sustainable Land Management” Guide

Radio commercials promoting the project “Sustainable Land Management”

Radio broadcasts

Radio broadcast ”ECOMONITOR” (25 03 2014)

Radio broadcast “ECOMONITOR” (13.09.2014)

Radio broadcast “ECOMONITOR” (13.12.2014)

Radio broadcast “ECOMONITOR” (25.03.2014)

Press release

AIPA pays 14 millions lei to 91 farmers

58 farmers will benefit from grants of over 8 mln lei

National Television program – Competitive Agriculture project  and its beneficiaries