EMPOWERING ECO-EDUCATION. Skills and experiences for nature interpretation

The goal of the project is to generate understanding and active participation of youth and teachers from the pilot area for the capitalization of natural and cultural heritage of the Orheiul Vechi Reserve and of its surroundings.

Objective 1: Build competences of local youth about nature and heritage interpretation;

Objective 2: Increase knowledge and participation of youth in the promotion activities of the Orheiul Vechi Reserve and of its surrounding;

Objective 3: Consolidate the network of teachers from the Orheiul Vechi Reserve area and its surroundings and increase their opportunities for the applying of experiential learning activities together with their typical indoor classes.

The proposed project will involve 10 schools from the Orheiul Vechi cultural-natural Reserve area and its surroundings. In each school there will be teachers – local coordinators of the project – in charge of organizing activities at local level with active youth participation.

Following activities are planned to be implemented:

1. Capacity building trainings for teachers

1.1 Training #1 on capitalization of natural and cultural heritage through active youth participation. Eco-clubs creation. Project initiation.

More pictures from the training here

1.2 Training #2 on fundraising and projects writing

1.3 Training #3 on sharing experiences about projects writing and implementation

2. Nature and heritage interpretation training for pupils from the 10 schools 

Pictures from trainings

3. Field trips in the Orheiul Vechi Reserve’s area

3.1 Excursions at the Orheiul Vechi Exhibition Centre for youth from 10 schools

Pictures from the Orheiul Vechi Exhibition Centre excursions

3.2 Hiking activities in the area of the Orheiul Vechi Reserve area for youth from 10 schools

Pictures from the hiking activities

4. Creative contest for the best interpretation message about the Orheiul Vechi Reserve

Winning artworks

Pictures from the awarding ceremony

Prizes for all participants 

Post card: Winning artwork from Furceny school

Post card: Winning artwork from Trebujeni school 

Post card: Winning artwork from Ivancea school 

Post card: Winning artwork from “Vasile Lupu” school, Susleni

Post card: Winning artwork from Holercani school 

Post card: Winning artwork from “I.L.Caragiale” school, Orhei

Post card: Winning artwork from “Grigore Vieru” school, Orhei

Post card: Winning artwork from Piatra school

Post card: Winning artwork from Marcauti school 

Post card: Winning artwork from Mascauti school 

5. Summer camp

Pictures from the summer camp

Information pannel on the Curchi-Donici trail

Information pannel on the Curchi-Donici trail (behind side)

6. Service projects grants. Schools that participated in the project had the opportunity to participate in a small grants competition. All project beneficiaries were invited to write a simple project proposal for the implementation of one of the following activities: fairs, conferences, exhibitions, cleaning-up activities, creation of promotional materials or other relevant activities related to the capitalization of the cultural and natural resources in the area of the Orheiul Vechi Reserve and of its surroundings.

Micro-grants programme conditions

Funded projects:

Local service project I.L.Caragiale school, Orhei

Local service project Piatra school

Local service project Holercani school 

Local service project “Ion Sîrbu” school, Mascauti

Local service project “Vasile Lupu” school, Susleni

Local service project “Grigore Vieru”school, Orhei

Local service project Trebujeni school 

7. Mass-media campaign. In order to make visible the project’s activities there was hold a mass-media campaign, including articles in print and online press, radio and social media.

7.1 Radio programmes:

Radio EcoFM, Interview with Elena Scobioala, project coordinator. Radio programme “Intre Da si Nu” on 03.04.2019

Radio Moldova. Interview with Elena Scobioală, project coordinator. Radio programme “Matinal de week-end” on 18.05.2019 

Radio Moldova, Interview with Elena Scobioală, project coordinator. Radio programme ”Matinal de week-end” on 11.08.2019

7.2 Articles:

Lessons about nature at the summer school from the Curchi Monastery“, article published on Ecopresa.md

Lessons about nature at the summer school from the Curchi Monastery“, article published on moldova9.md

Ecological summer school”, article published in the Natura magazine (print press) , August 2019

A new exhibit a the Orheiul Vechi Reserve“, article published on civic.md

“Hiking in the Orhei National Park”, article published on civic.md 

“Autumn hiking in the Orhei area”, article published on ecopresa.md

“At Holercani a new GENERATION who cares about the environment  is growing”, article published on ecopresa.md

“Involvement of schools in ecological projects – the chance for the environment”, article published on ecopresa.md

“Involvement of schools in ecological projects – the chance for the environment”, article published on moldova9.com 

“Mathematics and ecological education. How the two courses have been combined at Piatra school”, article published on ecopresa.md 

“Mathematics and ecological education”, article published on civic.md 

“Ecological education for students from the localities of the Orheiul Vechi Reservation”, article published on ecopresa.md

“Open air classroom at one of the schools from Orhei”, article published on ecopresa.md

“Open air classroom at one of the schools from Orhei”, article published on moldova9.com 

“Orheiul Vechi  - the business card of the Republic of Moldova. Youth input in the nature interpretation heritage”, article published on  ecopresa.md

“Orheiul Vechi  - the business card of the Republic of Moldova. Youth input in the nature interpretation heritage”, article published on mem.md 

“Extra-curricular teaching. Small projects – a chance for experiantial learning”, article published on  ecopresa.md

Special edition  about the EMPOWERING ECO-EDUCATION. Skills and experiences for nature interpretation project, published in the NATURA magazine (print press), November 2019 edition

Period of project implementation: March – November 2019

Donnor: US Forest Service

Project budget: 30 850,00 US$ (of which 25 750,00 US$  US Forest Service contribution, 5 150,00 US$ contribution of the Ecological Movement of Moldova and of its partners)
